Yesterday, we visited two houses for the second time. The first was the house in Edgewood that Greg liked and I was unsure about and the second was the house I saw without him Friday night. I told him that I saw some potential with this house but I really wanted his opinion on it. We also invited my best friend Dawana along for the ride to see what she thought.
The Mid-Century Modern (revisit): I rode with Dawana and talked to her more about this one on the drive over. This house was not "done" like the other house but it was something I really wanted to consider because of the potential I saw. As we walked through I could see a spark in Greg's eye when he got to the master bedroom and he started envisioning creating a master suite for us complete with a walk-in closet. After a bit of discussion surrounding the bedroom we took a look at the kitchen again and started talking about ideas for expanding it. Greg then decided he wanted to check out the backyard so we went outside. There is a bit of yard and then some woods, as he and the girls were headed up through the woods a deer came by. It was one of those funny moments you think your real estate agent would have planned if she could. As we came back in the house I heard Greg ask Joy where the woodsman was that released the deer while we were outside. In the end, we ended up spending nearly an hour in the house checking it out and talking about ideas. Joy even said she liked the house yesterday more than she liked it when we looked at it Friday night. She said she would research the house more for us and let us know what she found.
Later in the afternoon we got an e-mail from Joy with more details about the mid-century modern house. We were disappointed to learn that the house is not in the Fort Thomas school district. This explains why it's been on the market for awhile. After a lot of thought and some discussion with Greg, I decided that he "wins" and we will put the girls in Catholic school when the time comes.
Today, I spoke with Joy briefly about the house and what we would be able to do with it under the 203k program. She suggested we make a list of the changes we'd like to make and send it to her so she could help us assess what it would cost to make some of the changes. We went ahead and drafted the list and sent it over to her to review. We will chat with her again tomorrow about next steps.
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