10) Nick will not react well if you put him in a collared shirt, but he will adapt to it because he thinks Benihana is pretty cool!
9) Nick does not need a lot of food to make him happy on Thanksgiving. Greg will be eating this stuff for lunch for 2 weeks.
8) If you tell Nick something scares the dog he will do it repeatedly to torture her. NOT NICE!
7) Nick can sleep through a 20 pound dog jumping on top of him
6) Nick and Greg will move very quickly for free Doritos at Costco
5) Be careful how you pronounce someone's name, you might never hear the end of it.
4) Nick is not at good at that NCAA game as he thought.
3) Desmond Howard is not smart enough to realize he is fighting with a teenager on twitter.
2) Nick & Greg will forever hold out hope for an Irish win.
1) It is almost as funny to watch Greg try to touch Nick with his feet as it is to watch Greg try to hug my Dad.