* I transferred jobs within my company and have picked up on a lot of great new skills.
* We found out we were unable to stay in the house we were renting because it was sold which forced us to make some choices about continuing to rent our buy. We made the decision that it was time to buy and stay in one place for awhile.
* However, we didn't just buy, no that would be too simple for us. We decided to take out a mortgage that included a renovation loan and renovate. It was quite the undertaking and I wasn't sure we'd survive the process from April all the way until September but we did.
* Greg took on a second job in the evenings as an usher for the Reds. He loves it! It was a big adjustment for us to have him working in the evenings but we've survived!
* Greg changed jobs two weeks after we closed on our house. He loves the change and enjoys everyone he works with.
* We moved from a house to an apartment and then to a house again! There have been ups and downs with home ownership already but knowing we won't have to decide if we want to move in a few months already is really nice.
* The girls celebrated their THIRD birthday. They have so much personality. Our love for them grows everyday and we can't wait to see the other adventures to come.
* We started our journey towards eating mostly real food. It's been quite interesting and very enlightening gaining a better understanding of the foods we eat, where they come from and what is in them.
* We traveled to Florida & South Bend. There was not much other time for trips since we spent so much time renovating & buying the house.
We are excited to see what 2014 has in store for us. We wish everyone a Blessed and Happy New Year!