
Friday, September 3, 2010

A Day Alone With The Girls

Leah, Me, & Natalie Hanging Out!
Sorry, it has been so long since I have blogged. Today, our day care wasn't open so I had to take the day off to watch Leah & Natalie.  I have never watched them for a whole day, all by myself, so I was a little nervous.  Everyone got up early, I made breakfast for Melissa and myself, fed the girls, changed them, and got them dressed.  Melissa left for work and the day began.  We hung around the house for a while I would get the girls up change, feed, and play with them and then put them back down for a nap, their usual routine.  Leah, took a 3 hour nap which surprised me!  Around, 9 Melissa texted me and asked how things were going, I told her they were going fine and that I was heading out in a while to go to Target to get our quick shopping trip done.  Around 12:15 I packed up the girls and we headed out to Target and Chick-fil-a for lunch for me.  While at Target we picked up a few things but one of the things we picked up were 2 Bumbo Seats.  These seats are designed to help babies practice sitting up.   While in the store we had a mini meltdown but everything was quickly returned to normal and then we went up to pay.  The cashier at the front said: "Why are they with you today?"  I said, "Well, our daycare is closed today and mommy couldn't take the day off so it's me and the girls!" We paid for our items and headed to Chick-fil-a. I picked up lunch and headed back to the house.  Leah was fussing until I got the car moving and then she slowly fell back asleep.  When I got home I kept the girls in their car seats and fed them while I ate my lunch, I even gave April some chicken nuggets! After lunch, I played with the girls a little bit and then put Natalie down for a nap and Leah fell asleep in the swing for a little bit.  The rest of the afternoon was pretty uneventful.  I would say we had a pretty successful day and I took tons of pictures!

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