
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Adapting to a Twin Pregnancy

Well, today I'm about 14.5 weeks pregnant. We've known we are having twins for 9 weeks now and it's taken this long to completely absorb the shock. That's not to say we haven't been excited, it's just been a little overwhelming to think about everything that is going to change in the coming year.

I'm currently reading two books on twin pregnancy:

Twin Sense: This is a guide for purchasing and preparing for twins. Additionally it has an entire chapter devoted to how to respond to probing questions about a twin pregnancy - a lot of the answers cracked me up!

When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets & Quads: This book initially scared the heck out of me because it goes into detail about everything that can go wrong in a multiples pregnancy. I put it down for 4 weeks and recently picked it up again. I'm feeling better about reading it so that I can be prepared and do everything I can to nurture 2 healthy babies over the next 6 months.

I've also had to quickly adapt to my expanding belly. When we were at the doctor 3 weeks ago he said that I would be the same size as a regular term pregnancy at 28 weeks and I will still have 10 weeks to go!!! Since I will be growing so fast & we currently have a PTO restriction in effect at work until the end of February, Greg and I really won't be able to travel much this coming year. The nurse at my doctor's office said I shouldn't really travel after late February.

I'm still dealing with some fatigue that is associated with early pregnancy but the nausea has started to fade significantly.

Some info on fetal growth at 14 weeks (from one of the 5 weekly updates we get from various websites):

By the end of this week, your baby will be 4 ¾ inches long and weigh a whole 2 ounces.

Your baby’s skin is very thin, and his/her blood vessels can actually be seen through the skin. Your baby’s ears are continuing to develop externally and continue to look more like normal ears. Your baby’s eyes are continuing to move towards the nose from the sides of his/her head. The baby’s bones are beginning to ossify, which means that if an x-ray was taken the skeleton would be visible. Babies at this age have also been caught sucking their thumbs on ultrasound pictures.

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