
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Childbirth Classes

So far we've had three childbirth classes. They have been very informative:

1st class: This class was a good introduction. We learned about the various stages of labor, when to go to the hospital, etc. Greg and I are the only couple in the class expecting twins, everyone else in the class is much further along than we are because we opted to take the class a bit earlier since I get a little more uncomfortable with each passing week. We also learned how to handle some scary labor situations as well but I won't go into that. As Greg put it when we left why did we pay them to scare us?

2nd class: We learned about various breathing techniques during labor and various relaxation techniques to help with the laboring process. I need to be honest I did not get a lot out of this. The breathing techniques were difficult for me and most of the relaxation techniques involved massage. I'm pretty sure the last thing I am going to want during labor is Greg trying to massage me and he knows that already!

3rd class: In this class we had the tour of the Childbirth Unit at St. Elizabeth. It is really nice. We learned a few things that have changed from when we were kids:
  • All rooms are singles. No sharing a room with someone else! Also, if you have a vaginal delivery you stay in the same room throughout the entire hospital stay, even in the same bed.
  • As long as the babies are born without any problems they will be in the room with us the whole time. This is very overwhelming to me but Greg will be staying with me so we should be ok. I'd just figured the babies would be in the nursery overnight
  • If we decide to breastfeed we will attempt this within 30 minutes of a vaginal delivery & within 60 minutes for a c-section.
  • 1 out of 3 babies delivered at St. E's is a c-section. That number seems awfully high to me, although if both babies are not head down I won't be able to attempt a vaginal delivery according to my doctor. Since A is still breech I don't have high hopes even though I'd prefer a vaginal delivery. She still has time to turn.
4th class: We will be learning more about breastfeeding techniques. I'm apprehensive about this class because I want to breastfeed I'm just very overwhelmed by the idea of breasfeeding 2 babies. I would like to be able to do it for at least 6 months but since I will be going back to work after 3 months I'm not sure I will be able to pump enough to maintain a good supply without a lot of supplementing. I'm going to attempt it but I've decided I cannot feel bad if I have difficulties.

5th class: We will be learning about how to care for infants. I'm really looking forward to this class. I told Greg I hope we learn how to swaddle because that seems to be the answer for everything, swaddle, swaddle, swaddle!

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