
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Tenn. Trip Day 1 – Waterfalls & ND Football!

After we were done Ziplining we made an executive decision to head to the Smoky Mountains State Park and head for some hiking and to take some pictures of the waterfalls they have. We got out of the car right after the game had started and ND had scored its first touchdown. Now, before I begin I hope everyone realizes this was hard to not watch this game: home opener, high hopes, first game of the season – but don’t worry I have it TIVO’ed. We started out on our hike to the Laurel Falls and the skies started to look threatening. We kept going and started to hear
“There’s a bear on the trail” and “Yep honey that was Yogi Bear” which made us a little curious and we kept going. As we approached the falls someone was pointing to a place on a nearby cliff and sure enough there was a small bear! I snapped a couple of pictures that didn’t turn out but we kept going and took several pictures of the falls, and wouldn’t you know it as we started to take pictures the rain came. We hung out under a tree/ledge and were dry for a while and as it started to let up we headed out. We got back to the car and I immediately jumped on the phone and checked the text messages that Melissa’s brother Nick was sending us about the game. “28 – 0 ND at the half” he said and we decided that we would head back to the cabin we were staying in and get ready for dinner. We got back to the cabin and were able to see some of the highlights of the game and from what I saw I think we are going to be good this year. If we can beat Michigan next week that will be the litmus test for the season, win there and we should do well for the rest of the season.

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