
Sunday, January 8, 2012

Half Marathon Training Week 3

We had a pretty successful third week of training for our half marathon in a couple months.  Our weekday regimen is fairly consistent from week to week.  Run 3 miles Tuesday and Thursday and 4 miles on Wednesday.  This goes up to 4 and 5 miles respectively when we get closer to race time but as a whole it is pretty easy to remember.  We are supposed to rest Monday and Friday, I've been walking 30 minutes on these days to keep active but nothing otherwise and on the weekends we have a long run on Saturday and cross training on Sunday.  This week our long run was 6 miles.  We split up the time and both ran in the gym separately.  We do this in the evenings after the girls go to bed during the week and it works out well.  

Today, we decided we would go for a 5 mile walk and enjoy the weather.  While we were walking we decided we might ask our sitter Miss B if she can come over on Saturday mornings so we can do our long run together instead of having to plan it around both of us every week as it gets longer and longer it will end up taking 3-4 hours on a Saturday and with twoddlers (twin toddlers) this is not really ideal and we don't want to lose a lot of time with the girls for our running.  Hopefully, we can work something out with her.  

How we are feeling about training:  Pretty good.

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