
Monday, February 8, 2010

Garages, Baby Girls, Weight Struggles, & The Bed All To Myself

In preparation for the two baby girls coming we have made a few changes around the apartment:
  • Melissa has started to sleep on the couch and I have the bed all to myself. I feel bad since I shouldn't be in the bedroom with the bed all to myself. If anyone should be sleeping on the couch, it should be me, however Melissa says that she is more comfortable on the couch. I guess if she is more comfortable I can sleep in the bedroom.

  • We have started to clean out the spare bedroom and we started to rent a garage in the apartment complex that we live in to gain some more space. My goal is to try and get one of the cars in it and a lot of the boxes and plastic tubs full of our stuff.

  • I have also started using Melissa's BodyBugg since she can't use it and I am trying hard to get back down to a more healthy weight. I am having a hard time since I don't have my partner with me but it's understandable as Melissa is carrying the babies. I am shooting for a 1,000 caloric deficit per day. I am going to run a Mini-Marathon before the babies are born. You can follow my training progress on my Twitter feed.

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